Welcome to Icelines by capn89. On this blog you'll be able to view, rate and comment on all of my past, present and future hockey uniform designs.
I look forward to hearing from you. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Post #24 - Ottawa Senators Part 2 of 3

Here is part two for the Ottawa Senators.

Home & Away: The primary jerseys carry over the barber pole style from the previous uniforms I posted, but in a style that cleans up the issues with the arm numerals; they now rest between two sets of stripes as opposed to actually on top of them. As well, the primary logo is no longer the rectangular crest with the "O" on top of stripes, but the stripes have, in fact, been freed and now wrap all the way around the torso. The shoulder and pant logos remain the same.

Alternate: The alternate jersey with this set strays away from simply recoloring the primary jerseys and brings the 2D centurion logo into the mix, as well as adding gold to the color scheme. The gold striping features a laurel design to match that within the primary crest. The shoulder logo is the "S" within a winged-circle. Each shoulder is unique as to keep the wings pointing toward the back of the jersey. The pants change from black with a red stripe to black with a gold stripe and now feature the Peace Tower & red maple leaf logo seen on the shoulders of the primary jerseys.

Have a look and be sure to rate the set and leave some comments. Thanks.

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